The Power of Customized Sales Solutions

sales boot camp in WI with Lisa Proeber

Discover the power of customized sales solutions and master the art of the ‘pregnant pause’ in negotiations. Learn how to confidently communicate your value, improve sales team performance, and build lasting client relationships.

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Mastering the Art of the Ask: Why You Need to A-S-K for Sales Success

Let’s be real here, folks. We’ve all been there – sweaty palms, heart racing, and a voice in our head screaming, “Don’t ask! Don’t ask!” But here’s the cold, hard truth: if you don’t A-S-K for the sale, you’ll never G-E-T.  It’s as simple as that. I was recently at a Sales Boot Camp with one of…

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Seven reasons why you should have a client meeting uniform

having a client meeting uniform importance

There’s something to be said about dressing up for client meetings. It’s not just about looking polished; it’s about showing respect and putting your best foot forward. Think of it as an interview for a job you’re absolutely gunning for—the one you really, really want.

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