What Is The Middle Six®?

For every 10 potential sales, you’ll win two if you’re doing your job, you’ll lose two no matter what you do, but it’s what you do with The Middle Six® that really changes the status quo.

the middle six sales and sales planning

How We Can Help

If you sell something, we can help. Whether you own a small business or run a large sales team, we are here to help you create, fill or sustain your sales pipeline by embracing the mentality that sales is equality parts art and science.


Sales Consulting Powered By Software

Optimize and build your team using science based behavioral data.

Sales Consulting Powered By Software

Optimize and build your team using science based behavioral data.

We believe that every business needs to first create a funnel, then they can fill the funnel, then they can sustain the funnel. Check out our Periodic Sales Table ™ to see which sales initiatives fall into which category.


Be inspired

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The Power of Customized Sales Solutions

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How to Show Customers You Care: Proven Tips for Building Trust and Boosting Sales

Mastering the Art of the Ask: Why You Need to A-S-K for Sales Success

Mastering the Art of the Ask: Why You Need to A-S-K for Sales Success


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Do you believe in the power of positive thinking?

Sales. Yes. Help! I know we need help and we’re ready to talk about it.

We are ready too. If we don’t have a product or service that fits your sales needs, we absolutely have a resource or partner we are ready to introduce you to. We have three different ways of contacting us to connect. 

Sales executive