National Sales Consulting Firm, ‘The Middle Six®,’ Expands Team, Hires Sales, Behavioral Data Science Veteran Michelle Prester

Wisconsin-based sales consulting firm, The Middle Six®, announced today the hiring of Michelle Prester, a 20-year veteran in sales, business strategy, human resources, and expert in relational behavioral data science.  Lisa Proeber, Founder and CEO of The Middle Six®, said “We welcome Michelle as a strategic hire in expanding the growth opportunities for both The…

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In the News: Subkit Go Solo

The Middle Six® and Founder Lisa Proeber have been featured at Subkit Go Solo! Subkit Go Solo is a website that helps regular everyday people go solo and achieve work independence on their own terms. They do interview series where they celebrate small business entrepreneurs and founders. Check it out!

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Do you believe in the power of positive thinking?

Hey there, Do you believe in The Power of Positive Thinking? The Law of Attraction? What you put out is what you will get in return. People can most certainly feel your “vibe” and “energy.” Whether you think that sounds foofoo or agree wholeheartedly, it is a thing. When I was a sales manager for…

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Client Feature: Xena Workwear

Today we want to feature one of our favorite clients, Xena Workwear. Xena Workwear crafts stylish safety shoes and functional work apparel for women in demanding industries. Xena started 3 years ago through the gener8tor program in Milwaukee, and is quickly on their way to becoming THE choice for women’s footwear and apparel in the manufacturing and construction…

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Launch Party

Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who attended The Middle Six® Launch Party last week. And, thank you again to all the sponsors. If you missed it, you missed a chance to win one of two sets of 4 brewers tickets. The amazing Lauren Hess from Wintrust Financial Corporation has donated one more set of 4 for you to win!…

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Podcast: Welcome to Eloma

be inspired in sales and marketing working on planning

“One of the first mistakes that [small business owner’s] make is keeping sales in a silo. The owner of that small business is the only one bringing in the sales and they put it on themselves. And they think in order to scale, or grow, or sell more, that their first plan is to hire…

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